I’m proud to be a rural democrat, having grown up in Montana as the child of hard-working public servants

I always wanted to live in Washington from an early age. Family trips to see friends in western WA are some of my best memories. After moving to Tumwater, I fell in love with this place and its people, and began working for the State of Washington in 2009.

Now, I hope to continue working as your next State Representative for the LD-35.

Why I’m Running

We need leadership who will say YES to programs that help our communities.

I believe fully in the transparency of government. With both state and local government experience under my belt, I have a unique perspective on how both forms of government work and am dedicated to fixing the issues that affect all Washingtonians. It is time for a bold leader in the 35th District who will have a seat at the table and will work to bring more prosperity to our district.

I’m running because we need to protect our democracy. Without democracy, we cannot fix the issues we need to address and ensure everyone’s voice is being heard.

I’m running because I believe that we need more affordable housing, and the current representatives for our district have done little to nothing to better the situation for those who need adequate housing at prices they can afford, and they have done little to nothing to solve the homeless crisis affecting every inch of our state. I will work with both private and public partnerships to ensure that we have housing for everyone in our district.

I’m running to better our public education system. It is imperative that we continue to improve the quality of the education our children receive at our schools. It will be important to help ailing schools, make more educational tools available to our teachers and students. Having an educated society improves the quality of life in our communities.

I’m running because the LD-35 is our home, and our community - it’s our job protect it.