My Platform

Defending Our Democracy

Democracy is the greatest experiment there’s ever been, and we need to ensure that it continues. Without it, healthcare will crumble, safety net programs will buckle, and fair representation for the people will cease to exist. This fight is our utmost duty as citizens of this great country. Together, we will ensure our rights are protected.

Affordable Housing is a Right

Our neighbors cannot afford to keep a roof over their heads. Rent is higher than a mortgage payment and there is no equity to be earned by those who cannot break free and buy their home. Homeownership is credit based, and is often a barrier for lower income residents to be able to purchase their own home. We also need to work with the private sector to turn derelict buildings into affordable, sustainable, healthy and clean housing.

Healthcare is a Right

Not a privilege. We all deserve to live healthy productive and happy lives and healthcare is imperative to that. For too long, for profit and religious based healthcare has denied citizens life saving treatments in the name of money or belief and this must end. People should not die or go broke because they cannot afford their health care. This is wrong and we need both a state and national solution in universal healthcare. This will be how we save lives!

Education as Our Paramount Duty

With the possible closing of two schools in the Olympia area, and the potential of that happening elsewhere in the 35th LD in the future, we must ensure that all of our public schools are funded adequately, if not robustly. A great educational system will create great communities. Without it, our children and our citizens suffer.

Law Enforcement Reform

It is necessary for a free society, as it grows and evolves, to revisit and restructure law enforcement tactics and policy for the betterment of the community they serve. WA Dems have worked tirelessly to improve our criminal justice system and we must keep at it so we can have a safe and equitable society. Gun reform, drug laws, sexual assault laws and other need-based programs to be revisited to ensure that we are protecting the rights of all citizens, not just the ones who look like us.